Amphibians and Reptiles

Bull Frog Painting Courtesy of Gary Walker

Reptiles are basically born out of water, either by egg or alive and some need never to live near the water. Examples are snakes, lizards and turtles. Amphibians are born in water and can live in and out of the water, but as a family they have a great need for water for their survival. Examples are toads, frogs, newts, and salamanders The scientific community on Long Point have continuiously monitored the behaviour and the concerns relating to amphibians and reptiles and it sometimes seems the more one learns about these species, the more one realizes the little they do know.


Brown Snake
Fox Snake
Garter Snake
Green Snake
Hognose Snake
Map Turtle
Missasauga Rattlesnake
Painted Turtle
Queen Snake
Softshell Turtle
Snapping Turtle
Water Snake


Bull Frog
Fowler's Toad
Leopard Frog
Red Backed Salamander
Spotted Salamander

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