
HNAG - WWFM XIX (19)hnag

Sept 24, 2022 10:00PM - 10:30PM


The Haldimand Norfolk Area Geocachers (HNAG)  is holding a WWFM event  in Simcoe this year 

10:00 pm  - Arrive at the Lynnwood Park  (parking across the street)

10:10 pm - make your way to the Gazibo

10:15 pm  Assemble for group Picture

10:20 - 10:30  Geotalk - Officially the event is over at 10:30, but you can hang out and cacth up with your fellow geocachers 

Come out and meet the HNAG group for  WWFM (World Wide Flash Mob)

Quick flashmob and group picture  in the park at the Gazibo



2015 Flash at the Fountain



2Facebook event page








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