Red Fox

Photos courtesy of ZooNet Image Archives

Red Fox Pup photo by Bob Atkins

The Red Fox lives with the reputation of being most cunning but in reality this animal is just extremely cautious and learns very well by experience. The Red Fox mainly hunts at night feeding on whatever is available such as berries, corn, apples, grapes, acorns, grasses, birds, mice, rabbits, squirrles, woodchucks, grasshoppers, crickets, caterpillars, beetles and even crayfish. The Red Fox is so successful at hunting its prey because of low frequency hearing which allows it the abilty to hear very small creatures stirring under the snow or ground. The male Red Fox will travel up to 150 miles from where it was born and the females will usually stay much closer. They have few natural enemies, except for man and diseases such as rabies, mange and distemper. The Red Fox is found thoughout most of North America.

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