Beer By The Book. British Brewing in the 18th & 19th cent. Buckram Grove Press List of Illustrations: mash-tub & mash fork front paste-down beer brewing barrel front fly-leaf engraving from ‘Domestic Cookery’ frontis. ‘Encyclopaedia Britannica’ title page pg. 1 ‘Domestic Cookery’ frontis. 53 ‘Domestic Cookery’ title-page 54 hydrometers 80 ‘Rural Cyclopedia’ title-page 81 mash-tub diagram 103 brewing kettle 177 storage cellar 185 Humulus Lupulus (hop) rear fly-leaf early brewery scene rear paste-down Combined Index [ed. note: though the term “lager” was not in use yet, there is a lengthy discussion of German cold-temperature, bottom fermenting yeast technique on pp. 179-185] Acacia Tree Accum acetic acid acre-spires Adelard Adriatic adulteration Africa, Southern Agrimonia Ailesbury alcaline particles alcohol Aldershot ale, china ale ale, brown ale, brown, common ale, Dorchester ale, Edinburgh ale, herb ale, hop ale, London-brewed ale, pale ale, Scotch ale, strong ale, strong brown ale, table ale, white thick ALEHOOF Algoa bay alibaster alkali alkaloids aloes , Alton alum-rock alum amber ales and beer amber ammonia Anderson Anderson's Commercial Dictionary Anglo-Saxons anise anthelmintic Antigua Antwerp aphides Aphis humuli apoplexy artificial lees Artois ashes Ashford Australasia Australia, South Bacon bags, hop bags, linen Bagshot bagster, hop Baker's Chronicles bales balling balls, pale balls, brown bane of the wolf Barham barley barm barrel Basingstoke Bavaria Baxter Baxter's Lib. of Agric. & Hortic. Knowledge Bayldon's Rents and Tillages bean-flour beans Beckmann beer beer, Bavarian beer heading beer, London stout beer, molasses beer, October beer, small beer, small, entire guile beer, spruce beer, stale beer, starting beer, stout beer, strong beer, table beer, treacle beer, spruce bell, to bin birch bitter bitter principle blight blinking blood Board of Excise boiling bottles bottling Boulogne Bramah's hydraulic press bran Brands, Prof. brandy, French brandy brandy, black cherry brass-wired brewing-sieve brimstone British Husbandry Brooke brown Brunswick buck-bean Buel's Farmer's Instructor Bulletin des Sciences Agaricales bullock's blood bullocks burning burnt sugar burnt allum Burton Burton ale butt-beer Buxus sempervirens c£teris paribus Cadiz calamus aromaticus Calcutta cancerous sores Canterbury capsicum carbonic acid carraway cask casks, wine Castle Acre caterpillars cattle cauliflower head celandine cellar Celtic chalk, fat chalk, soft chalk chalked pit-coal charcoal Charlemagne Charles XI. chemistry chestnut-hoop Child china-root chip chloride of potassium chloride of calcium chlorine choak-maker choak Christina, Queen Christopher III cinchonina cinder cistern claret cask clay clotting Cloves coak coal, shinning coal, Welch Cobbett Coccinella cocculus indicus cock coke cold worts Cole Coles Comarum Combrune come Commissioners of Excise coolers cooling tubs copper copperas coriander cork corn couch couches Cranbrook cremacausis crib Cullen, Dr. culm cyders daisies Danes Darelius daucus, wild-carrot seed delirium delphia of stavesacre Denis, M. Derby Devonshire Di£cia diabetic Dion Cassius Dispensatory diuretic Dorking Dover dregs Dryas drying dung, horse dung, hog's Dutch dyspeptic Edinburgh Edward the Confessor egg, white Egyptians English gallons Erica vulgaris espaliers Essex eye-wash faeces Farmer's Magazine, The Farmer's Series ù Lib. of Useful Knowledge Farmer's Almanac, The Farnham fermentation fermentation, vinous fermentation, acetous fern fining fire blast fire-stone, grey fire-stone firkin fish flea-beetle flies flooring flour flued floor foreign particles foxing France French revolution fret froth fungus Gardener's Magazine, The Gardener's Gazette, The gentian root Gentiana rubra Gentiana lutea Gentiana acaulis Gentiana purpurea George II. George III Germans germination ghost-moth gill-go-by-the-ground ginger-beer ginger Glechoma Hederacea gluten Golden Farmer, The Goths Graham, Dr. Grains of paradise grease Greeks green fly grinding ground-ivy Guernsey Guilford gum Gustavus I hair-cloth Hale Hales, Rev. Dr. Haltica concinna Hamburg Hammerfest Hampshire hand-mill, stone hand-mill, steel Harry the Eighth harts-horn shavings Havre Hawkhurst hay heap heart-burn heating flue Hedera terrestris Henry VI. Hepialites Hepialus humuli herb-bennet Hereford Herodotus Herophilus Labbius Hertford Hervey's Meditations Highland stots History of Plants Hobart-Town hogshead Holmesdale honey-dew honey hoops hop, after-culture hop, Canterbury grape hop-plantation hop hop, Farnham hop, Flemish red-bine hop, garlic hop seed hop, golden-tips hop, goldings hop, Jones's hop, long white hop, Mayfield grape hop, oval hop-bag hop-bine hop-blossoms hop bud hop districts hop-dog hop-hoe hop-market hoppan hordein horehound horse-bean flour House of Lords Hudson, John Hudson humas humulariae humulus husk hydrometer hypochondriacal hysterical imago Ina, King India inflamations invalids iodine Ireland iron-plate, wired frame iron-wires Isidorus isinglass Isle of Man Isle of Thanet Jamaica Jersey Jorden Journal of the Royal Agric. Soc. of England, The Kaimes, Lord keel keeping beers Keith's Botanical Lexicon Kent, East Kent, Middle Kent Kenyon, Lord kernel kidneys kilderkin kiln kiln-drying Knowledge Society's British Husbandry K÷nigsberg lady-birds Lance Lance Launceston Lawson's Agricult. Manual lees lemon-peel Lewisham lice Liebig, Prof. lignin lime lime, unslacked Lincoln Linnaeus liquorice juice lithic acid liver Llewig y blaidd Lolium perenne London, Common Council of the city of London brew-house London brewers Lords of the Treasury Loudon's Works Louis the German Love lupuline, lupulite Lupulus Lupus salutarius Lymington Madeira Madras Magazine of Domestic Economy, The magnesia Maidstone Mailing Malcolm Malling Agricultural meeting malt, brown malt, coak-dried malt, pale malt, pea malt, toasted malt, wheat malt-corn malt-extract malt-floor malt-flour malt-kiln malt-liquors malt-milns malting maltster manganese mania manure marble marsh trefoil Marshall Marshall's Southern Counties mash, stiff mash, first mash, second mash-tub mash-tun mashing melancholy Mellilet Menyanthes trifoliata Mesue mildew mill Mill's Husbandry Miller minerals molasses morphia of opium Motherby, Dr. mothery mould mouldy-fen muck basket mum flavour Myrica gale narcotic Netherlands New South Wales New Zealand New-Forest nightshade, woody, solania of nitrogen Norfolk turnips Northampton Norway Nottingham nut-galls nutmegs nux vomica oars oast oats, malted ophthalmic sores opium orange peel Orosius orrice-root, Florentine Oxford Oxted oxygen oyster-shells Parliament pear pease peg Pembrokeshire penstaff Pentandria Pepin pepper peroxide of iron Peruvian bark Petersfield phosphate of alumina phosphate of iron phosphoric acid picrotoxine of cocculus indicus pillowber pin pit-coal Playfair, Lyon, Dr. Pliny plume, plumule pockets pole poppies, extract of Port-Philip porter, London porter Portsmouth Portugal potash Potentilla pottle Proust pruning-knife putrefaction Quarterly Journal of Agriculture quassia quick-lime quincunxe quinina racking rag-stone raisins ramous viscid parts reachings Red saunders Reformation resin retarding Reynard Riegate Romans ropiness rum Russia Rutland ryegrass saccharine matter saline Salisbury Plain salt, common salt sand-stone, black sanguinaria of blood-root Saxons Saxony scorchings Scotland, Scotch Scott, Reynold sediments Sevenoaks Shoreham sieve silica Sinclair's, John, Sir, General Report of Scotland sling-tench Smarden Smeek, Magnus smoke, smoak soap-suds Society of Gentlemen's Complete Farmer soda soot sour, sourness Spaniards specific gravity spire spleen sprats square hutch St. Petersburg star-fish starch Stephen's Book of the Farm Stephens, Henry Stevenson stilling Stitch stone-bottle stone-lime Stonehouse, Dr. stop-draughts stout, Brown Stowe River strainer straw straw-dried strobiles strychnia of nux vomica Suffolk sugar sulphate of iron sulphur-bleaching sulphur sulphuric acid sulphurous acid Surrey Sussex Swan River Swanzey sweating Sweden Switzerland Tacitus tainting tannin tanning of leather tanning tap-borer tap-hole tap Tenterden Thames Thomson Thomson, R. D., Dr. Thomson, T., Dr. Thomson, Dr. Thomson's Veg. Chemistry tile-frame tobacco-water tobacco tonic bitter tonic tormentilla treacle Treatise of Vegetable Statistics trunk tumours tun tunning Turnbridge turnhoof turnips Ukraine Uppingham urinary calculi Van Diemen's Land vent-peg veratria of white hellebore victualler vinegar vitriol Vosges walnut-leaves Warlingham water, hard water, New River water, pond water, rain water, river water, soft water, spring water, standing water, stagnant water, well water, Thames water, well waters wax weather West Indies Westerham wheat-straw wheat whisks whisky white dew whiting whools wine casks, Rhenish wine wire-frames Woking wood wooden spout Worcester working-vat wormwood wort, ale wort, second wort, third or small-beer wort wort, raw wort, first Wrotham yeast bitten yeast, top yeast Young, A.